Learn About Growing
Here you’ll find tips and tricks about the best home growing practices. You’ll also learn about the legal restrictions about growing your own marijuana plants at home.

Am I allowed more than one plant?
New Federal laws allow each person over the age of 19 to have and grow up to 4 flowering cannabis plants in your household. Plant allowances per household differ between provinces.
Check our guide below to see what guides are in place for your district.
Tips & Tricks:
How to Grow Cannabis
How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds
There are a variety of ways to germinate your cannabis from seed. The most common method of germinating your seeds, is by using the wet paper towel method.
Wet Towel Germination Method
Soak four paper towel sheets in water. Do not have it sopping wet.Take two of the four paper towels and place them on a plate.
Put the dark (your healthy seeds should not be green in color) cannabis seeds on the plate, approximately an inch or so apart from one another and take the two remaining paper towels and cover them up.
There must be a type of lid to create a dark environment for germination to take place, using another plate to cover is a easy solution for a lid. Make sure this environment is kept warm (ideal is 70-90F)
Some seeds may take more time to germinate than other seeds. Keep watch on your seeds and make sure you are wetting the paper towel, should it become too dry. When taproot is visible it is time to transplant.
Transplanting Cannabis Seedlings
The most common way to transplant your seeds is into small pots of soil. Poking a small hole down about 1/4” and using a pair of tweezers to pick up and drop your seeds taproot down, into the hole.
Lightly cover up the hole with your soil and water your new seed by gently using a spray bottle to moisten the pot. Within a week you should start to see a fresh seedling peak above the soil. Congrats!
Seedling Care
After your new seedling as grown a few leaves you can either transfer them to a different potting soil with extra nutrients, or you can start adding nutrients to the soil you have now.
TIP: Hydroponics, coco coir, or soilless alternatives: Only add nutrients your seedlings can handle. Recommending 1/4 of the strength until your seedling has grown a few sets of leaves. Slowly start working your way up from there to full strength levels. Keep watch of your water pH level and learn all about how it can effect your baby cannabis plant.
Growing with Grow Lights
Using grow lights as a means to force flower your plant is a wonderful way to cut time growing and may even yield more cannabis. If you have decided to grow your cannabis with the help of grow lights, you will have to do your added research on the variety of lights, schedules and uses.